Sunday, December 1, 2019

Advent Calendar Day 1

Christmas Time is Here Again!

The holidays? Again? Already?

Yes! And how cool is that?

Among other things, this means it's time again for the Annual Advent Calendar Holiday Extravaganza. ;-)

I've been doing this so-called "Advent Calendar" since 2014 and it's become kind of a tradition for me and my readers and my reader-friends.  The way it works is every morning through Christmas Day there will be something  posted to the blog to start your day off with a smile.

Maybe I'll share a favorite holiday song or a lovely photo or a vintage cartoon or a cocktail recipe or maybe I'll give something away. Some days we'll have fiction--sometimes from me (last year I managed to do six codas--and I'm hoping to do that again!)--sometimes a holiday snippet from one of our talented contributors. Other days we'll have art, a thing for sure, every day I'll have some small little gift for you to enjoy.

There really is nothing for you to do but show up and enjoy--well, and to participate occasionally in so far as letting contributors you're enjoying our efforts.

This calendar is my small attempt to say Thank You! Thank you for your support throughout the year(s) whether it's through buying my books, writing reviews, sending me such kind letters, or simply spreading your enjoyment of the stories on social media. It all means so much.

Thank you--and Happy Holidays!


  1. Thank you! I love this picture. It reminds me old times. When Christmas was much simplier than today, when I was young. Those colors are very vintage. (Sorry for my English.) :)

    1. I felt exactly the same! I love those retro designs. :-)

  2. I've been following this from the beginning, and it has become one of my traditions as well... I am looking forward to seeing what suprises you bring us these years. Thank you and Happy Holidays!

    1. I'm so glad! I think we have some things you'll enjoy!

  3. You brighten my holiday season every year! I was so excited for Advent to begin! <3

  4. I am looking forward to the little gems! I read them over my breakfast each morning and start my day with a smile.

  5. Woaw! This means I've been hunting your printed books for one year now. :D What? Wait! Already??? No wonder I miss so few of them now XD
    Thank you for the calendar and thank you for all these wonderful stories that I read again and again.

  6. Thanks, Josh! This is my favorite time of year...Christmas Codas! 😊🎅🏻🎄🎅🏻
