Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Advent Calendar Day 11

Oh! It's already the 11th???!! The month is flying past.

Is your holiday shopping done? MINE IS. I don't mean to gloat, but as of forty-five minutes ago, MINE IS.

This morning, we have another vintage cartoon. This one is 1935's The Cookie Carnival. Actually, maybe it's not specifically holiday related, but...gingerbread.

That gingerbread man has impeccable taste, I must say. Not exactly sure that relationship is destined for the long haul. THERE'S AN M/M ROMANCE IN HERE SOMEWHERE, MARK MY WORDS. ;-)


  1. 😂😂 I want to go to there!! I want to hang out with the rum cookies and gossip about the Cookietown citizens and their somewhat questionable antics. (How did they get the picture of me as Jello Queen???) Now I'm hungry...

    1. hahahahahaha They know how to party, those cookies!

  2. I think I saw it as a kid! It was vaguely familiar.
