Wednesday, December 6, 2023

Advent Calendar Day 6 - A Giveaway!


Happy Wednesday. We're halfway through the week. What the what? 

Today I thought I'd do a giveaway. This first giveaway will be US only because the price of shipping is kind of prohibitive.

Anyway, I'm giving away one large size version of our LGBTQAI Holiday Winter Blanket. It's basically a soft and light reading blanket, very nice for cuddling up in a chair and a good book. 

(By the way, the mockup shows the design cut off, but it's not cut off in real life.)  

Anyway, what do you have to do to be in the running for this giveaway? Basically, comment below and share one thing you're really looking forward to this holiday season. We could all use some happy thoughts and positive forward thinking. That's it. In a week or so, I'll get the Office Elf to randomly draw a name for the comments below. 

Good luck! I look forward to reading your plans for a holly jolly holiday season! 


  1. I'm really looking forward to spending some time with family!

  2. I'm super looking forward to having most of our family together this year! Especially the great-nieces/nephews! We have 2 babies this year and I can't wait to kiss and sniff them, lol! Ahhh, new baby smell!

  3. Wow! That is beautiful. I'm looking forward to Christmas night when it's just my husband and daghter with me sitting by the tree with a drink and listening to some family favorite Christmas songs while talking about the year.

  4. Can’t wait to watch my nephews and baby niece open their presents. It’s my favorite part.

  5. Just being at home. Over the past 30 years there have been too many holidays spent at my mom's bedside in the hospital so the 3 of us just status quo/boring at home is always a delight.

  6. Every year my husband makes up a new "Modern" Christmas carol for me and we get to sing it and laugh before we start opening presents. It's these individual traditions that make me the happiest.

  7. (not entering because I'm in Canada)
    But, oh I so want this blanket. It's gorgeous!! I'm going to get it from the shop.
    Anyway, I know it's cliché, but I can't wait to go home for Christmas, and spend some time with my mum in particular. We lost dad almost 2 years ago now, and she's always alone. And I live so far away, we never see each other. So, yeah, I'm really, really looking forward to going home. Even though the trip is a bit of a hassle (and extremely expensive!)

  8. I'm looking forward to two whole weeks off from work! And seeing family, yada yada ...

  9. Obviously, I'm looking forward to winning this lovely blanket and snuggling up with the next JL book!
    That and our tradition of driving around the neighborhood on Christmas Eve to look at all the holiday lights and displays. It always takes me back to my childhood.

  10. I like spending time with my family. We lost my mom and a dear friend who was our "second mother" this year, so the rest of us being together is good.

  11. Mince pies! There must be mince pies. :-) I suppose I COULD make them anytime, but they just taste so much better if you've waited all year...

  12. We do family Christmas in January to wrangle everyone's schedules. A lot of us are in the hospitality industry and it's impossible to get time off. I'm looking forward to the rush being over and curling up on the couch with the dog and my e-reader. Then, in mid January, watching my nephews get excited because Santa is coming **again**!

  13. I am looking forwards to spending the holiday with my brother. It is the one time.ofnthe year no matter where we are in the world that we get to come together and spend time with each other.

  14. My favorite part of Christmas is the music. I dig out my collection of Christmas cds (yes, I still have cds) from country to standards to opera that I play from thanksgiving to new years day. Best part of the season.

  15. I'm looking forward to spending time with the family and friends at Christmas in the Park. It's an event that decorates an entire park in the city with Christmas trees, lights, Christmas floats, food & drink stalls, decorations and carnival games and rides. Can't wait to get a funnel cake and hot chocolate!

  16. As a crosswalk guard and a lunch room/playground supervisor, my week days are noisy and fast paced. I am looking forward to the two weeks to just read, read, read (and sip hot tea and coffee mocha), then read some more. I have so many books on my kindle and in physical form and am just waiting for the holiday break to read them. They are my gifts to myself. I also am having a difficult time waiting for more in the Scrabble series and (hopefully) another one in the Adrien ("Adrien with an 'e'") series. I love them!!!

  17. I'm looking forward to rest. I have been working for two years straight with no break at all, and now my job is finally giving us two weeks for the Holidays, which is well timed since I'm this close to a burnout lol I want good food, holiday lights, and reading every Christmas book in my TBR.

  18. For various reasons, this year was challenging health wise. My brothers live too far away to visit, so I plan to read and listen to audiobooks and my collection of Medieval and sacred music CDs. I look forward to a healthy, happy new year. Happy holidays, everyone.

  19. Mmm looking forward to a whole week off from work and a whole lot of nothing planned so I can snuggle at home with a book and a nice blanket 😉
