Thursday, December 14, 2023

Advent Calendar Day 14 - Another Giveaway


BRRRR. The high desert can be chilly this time of year. Although I have to admit, the days have been relatively warm overall. But the nights? BRRRR. Perfect weather for cuddling up with a good book or a good man. Or a good woman. Or even your favorite dog. Both mine are short-hair and are always chilly this time of year. I can't sit down that they're not snuggled next to me.

So those of you who have followed me for any length of time know that one of my holiday traditions is watching The Thin Man movies with my husband. Crime fiction brought us together and it has continued to be a link in the chain to that block of the cement tied around our waists.


Well, not about the holiday tradition part. We really do watch The Thin Man every Christmas Eve. Admittedly, now days we frequently fall asleep about halfway through, but that's more about Nick and Nora getting older versus any criticism of the film. The film--particularly the first film--holds up very well. Maybe better than the book itself, to be completely honest. 

Anyway, our giveaway today is open to Canada, the UK, and Europe as well as the US. I'm giving away three 15 oz. Thin Man-inspired coffee (or tea or cocoa or soup or whatever you like) ceramic mugs from my wee little shop on Etsy

All you have to do is share one of your favorite winter holiday traditions. It can be a tradition that you've shared before on the blog; that's okay. Nobody's keeping a list (let alone checking it twice).

One week from today, the Office Elf will stick her little hand into my cyber top hat and randomly pluck out three lucky winners. And I will list their names/handles in the comment section below.

(HEY, PLEASE DON'T POST YOUR ADDRESS IN THE COMMENT SECTION. Just a reminder. You'll privately email that info.)

I hope you're enjoying the Advent Calendar and that you're having a really lovely holiday season thus far! 


  1. This year I've hopefully started a new tradition. I discovered we have a holiday/winter music string quartet by candlelight concert in town. It was so lovely and peaceful I already can't wait to go again next year! Happy Holidays to everyone!

    1. Caro - my adult daughter and I also went to one of the Candlelight Nutcracker/Christmas string quartet concerts. That was something 'new' for us!

  2. My family and I fill the stockings (there will be at least 11 this year) and then we eat cookies and drink eggnog while we play holiday Madlibs.

  3. We watch 'It's A Wonderful Life' on Christmas eve. One of my daughters lives in New Jersey now, but still calls me to say "Sentimental hogwash!"

  4. I have a funny Christmas eve trade that my father started when we were kids. On Christmas eve dinner was always a hamburger and homemade fries. 40 years on. Me and my brother still celebrate Christmas eve by having a hamburger.

  5. I love the Thin Man movies!!!!! The way Nick toys with suspects with his rapid-fire wit kills me!
    Going to midnight Mass has always been one of my favorites. Always so beautiful and peaceful!

  6. One of our traditions is to go out and look at lights. When the family was all together, we would go to the Candlelight Processional at Disney. The Christmas story interspersed with Carol's. I always found it very moving.

  7. Being a terrier person, I've always had a thing for Asta.
    I do like that he was a miniature schnauzer in the book.

    The SO and I have started picking a day and then trying to make as many different types of cookies that we can. This year our cookie day was the only day all of our employees were available for a party, so I just invited them all for cookie baking fun! At the end of the day, we supplied everyone with gift boxes and bags to go fill with the cookies they helped make. All in all, a success, so I think we'll do it again next year!

  8. I always look forward to our lazy morning mimosa brunches with quiche and all the Christmas goodies.

  9. Every year we bake and decorate butter cookies, including at least one Christmas armadillo!

  10. Decorating sugar cookies with the entire family. The fancier, the crazier the better. I remember we had one yr where country flags became the theme. There was great controversy over Sweden. Lol

  11. I love the Thin Man movies. I'm thinking that sounds like a great new tradition to start. Along with Christmas morning sticky buns.

  12. I love Christmas illuminations and while some years are low key just around the neighborhood, some years we trek out to the arboretum or light display. This years was fantastic in Tokyo. So big big trek.

  13. Gosh. This year is SO different from the past 30 (make that 50) years. My husband, adult daughter, and I are trying so very hard to keep all of our traditions, but circumstances are conspiring against us. My son moved out this year, so that's different. My dog is getting old and cries when we leave him alone, so we've been taking him with us to the drive through light displays. My parents are in rapid decline and can't host Christmas Eve for the first time EVER. Otherwise, I'm doing Christmas as usual (except I've been sick for the past week, and it's made me shop online a lot and miss at least 1 party.)

  14. Sorry, no story, but had to make a comment. At the beginning of your post when you mentioned, "both of mine are short hairs," I thought, what an odd comment to say about your SO. I then realized you were talking about your two dogs, not your SO and dog. It made me laugh.
