Today we have more fiction -- an Adrien English coda from my dear longtime pal Steve Leonard!
Broken Hallelujah
A Jake Riordan and Adrien English Christmas Coda
By Steve Leonard
It was later than I expected when I finally turned onto our
street. The Christmas lights we’d strung up a few weeks earlier blinked and
twinkled, illuminating our house like a runway. I pulled into the driveway
alongside Adrien’s Subaru Forester, and as I got out of my car the smell of a
wood-burning fire was heavy in the crisp evening air. It smelled like
The street in front of our house was lined with familiar
cars. It looked like everybody was here for our Christmas Eve Party. Our first
of what we hoped would become a new tradition.
I chuckled when I thought back to the night I suggested the
party. We’ve been together for a little over two years now, and it was our
second Christmas. Adrien is always so amazed at how I had, in his words, ‘taken
so well to domestic life.’ He tends to forget that even before we were a couple
I always wanted home and hearth and the happily ever after. Of course, when I
was younger I had assumed it would be with a wife, but life had something else
in store for me. I have no complaints.
I walked in the front door, trying to be quiet and
unobtrusive, but he saw me from across the room and started over.
“Five minutes,” I mouthed, holding up my fingers as I bounded
up the stairs, taking them two at a time.
I stripped out of my street clothes in the walk-in closet and
reached for the new slacks I’d bought for tonight. Adrien would probably call
them fawn or camel or something equally ridiculous, and I would humor him. They
fit well in all the places I knew he’d appreciate. I put on a clean t-shirt and
the fitted black cashmere sweater I knew he liked.
I scrutinized myself in the bathroom mirror as I dabbed on a
bit of cologne. Today had been a very long day and a quick pass with the
electric razor probably wouldn’t hurt, but I was already late so my five
o’clock shadow would have to do.

Festive noises drifted upstairs, pushing my thoughts away. I
slid my phone back into my pocket and went down to join the party.
I spied Adrien near the tree. We’d gone all out this year
with a nine-foot Douglas Fir decorated to the hilt. He was talking with Natalie
and Angus, and as I made my way over, Angus spied me and stiffened slightly,
which made me smile.
I still found Angus weird, but I’d gotten used to him and
tolerated his quirks. Plus, he and Natalie ran the bookstore like a well-oiled
machine, which gave Adrien the freedom he wanted so he could focus on other
things, and I was grateful for that.
“There you are,” Adrien smiled, handing me a drink. “I
figured you could use one.”
“You figured right,” I said, as I took a swallow and leaned
in for a kiss.
“Get a room,” Natalie chuckled as our kiss lingered, and we
all laughed. Even Angus.
It’s hard to imagine there’d been a time when I was hesitant
with public displays of affection toward Adrien. That hadn’t been a problem for
a long time now.
“I better make the rounds,” I said after a while, giving his
arm a squeeze. I headed over to where Bill and Lisa were chatting with Paul
Chan, but was intercepted by Emma.
“Merry Christmas, Jake,” she greeted me with a cheery smile,
taking my arm in hers.
“Hey, Merry Christmas to you, too,” I replied. Reminding
myself she was no long a kid, I resisted the impulse to ruffle her hair and
settled for a hug instead.
We stopped at the bar so I could fix fresh drinks for Bill,
Lisa and Paul. “So how’s life with Mummy Dearest these days?”
“She’s not that bad,” she said, stifling a laugh behind her
hand as she put the drinks, along with cocktail napkins, onto a tray.
“Yeah, I know. She’s actually starting to grow on me,” I
confessed, speaking low with my head bowed so only she could hear. “But you
breathe one word of that to her and I’ll have to kill you.”
“Back at ya, Riordan,” she quipped without missing a beat.
We fist bumped and then she was off, cell phone in hand,
doing God knows what teen-aged girls do these days.
Two hours later the party was winding down and our guests
were getting ready to leave,
I took a tray of empty glasses to the kitchen, balancing it
on one hand while I checked my phone with the other. There were texts and
notifications from friends and former co-workers, but nothing from my Dad.
My shoulders slumped as I slid the phone back into my pocket.
I downed the rest of my drink and set my glass along with the others next to
the sink and went out to the foyer where Adrien was saying good bye to
They were all lined up next to the front door and it reminded
me of a scene from ‘The Sound of Music’ which he and Emma had made me watch a
couple of weeks earlier.
I dutifully hugged and kissed the family as they filed out,
while ‘So long, Farewell, Auf Wiedersehen, Good Night’ bounced around my head.
I was going to need another drink.
“Dinner is at 2:00 tomorrow,” Lisa reminded me as she
returned my kiss and drew me in for a hug.
“We’ll be there,” I replied.
When the last of the Von Trapps … er … Dautens finally bid
adieu, we quickly cleaned up the remnants of the party and then did the dishes.
We have a long-agreed upon division of labor: I dry and put them away while
Adrien washes.
“I’m sorry,” he said after a short time.
I looked up. “For what?”
He nodded at the phone in my hand. “Your Dad.”
“Oh, yeah,” I sighed, putting it back into my pocket. I’d been checking it almost non-stop since the party ended.
We didn’t talk about my Dad much, not that it was a sore
subject or off-limits or anything. But it was what it was and neither of us
could change it.
“I just keep thinking he’s going to come around, you know?” I
said, leaning against the door frame. “I mean, everybody else has. Even Danny.”
Danny, my youngest brother, had taken the news of my coming out pretty hard and
had avoided me for months. But one day last January he showed up out of the
blue at my office. The memory made me laugh out loud.
“What?” Adrien asked. He let the water drain as he wiped down
the countertops.
“I was thinking about that day Danny first came by,” I said
with a grin.
“Yeah, that was a good day,” he agreed, giving the sink a
final rinse.
“It was.” We’d had a good long talk and then I took him down
and introduced him to Adrien. Since then, we’ve gotten together on a number of
occasions. In fact, all my brothers had stopped by over the course of the party
tonight. It was nice. I didn’t expect my Mom to make an appearance, but we’d be
seeing her sometime in the next couple of days.
“I’m gonna lock up,” I said as I put the last plate away and
set the towel on the rack to dry.
I finished my rounds of the downstairs windows and doors when
I saw Adrien with the dog at the front door. He was slipping into his coat.
“Just going to take Scout for a quick walk,” he said.
“Give me a second and I’ll come with,” I offered.

“Okay. I am pretty beat.” And I was. Business had been very
good for quite a while now, and I’d been out chasing down leads for the better
part of the last three days on a new case. The last few days before Christmas
is always a busy time at ‘Cloak and Dagger Books,’ and it seemed like Adrien
and I hadn’t seen each other in nearly a week.
As if reading my mind, he said, “I’m looking forward to
spending a long winter’s night with you.” And then he walked over to me,
pointing to something over my head. I looked up to see a sprig of Mistletoe.
I took his face in my hands and kissed him deeply. As long as
I lived, I would never get tired of kissing Adrien.
He finally pulled away and started pulling on his gloves.
“Hold that thought,” he called over his shoulder as he stepped out the door.
I watched out the window for a few seconds as he walked Scout
down the front sidewalk to the curb, and then I headed upstairs, stripped off
my sweater and t-shirt, and went to wash up.
I set my phone next to the sink and gazed into the mirror. I
started to think about the past couple of years.
I wanted to kick myself whenever I thought about those two
years Adrien and I could’ve been together. Where would we be now if I’d had the
courage to come out back then? Where would I be if I hadn’t?
But I told myself what I always did whenever I let my mind
wander into such maudlin territory: no regrets. What was the use? I couldn’t go
back. I couldn’t change anything I did. The past was the past. And honestly,
from the day Adrien had shown up at my house in Glendale – after I’d given up
on any chance of being with him – I only ever wanted to look ahead. To keep
moving forward, day by day, with our new life.
I don’t know how long I stood there, lost in my thoughts,
when I felt a cool finger trace up the length of my spine. I shivered and
caught Adrien’s eyes in the mirror. Still the most beautiful guy I’ve ever
“You look a million miles away,” he said quietly. “What are
you thinking about?”
I smiled tightly. “It’s a wonderful life.”
He returned the smile and handed me a tumbler of Bourbon.
“Are you trying to get me drunk?”
His lips twitched and his eyes twinkled as he raised his own
glass of his homemade Eggnog. He glanced at my phone on the counter.
“No.” I tossed the phone through the open door and onto the
bed in the other room. I took a long drink. His smile had turned mischievous
and I noticed he had one hand behind his back.
“Just how much Christmas Cheer have you had tonight?” I
asked, leaning in and giving his glass a sniff.
He pulled it away and giggled. “Not much.”
“Uh huh.”
“I’m fine,” he insisted, finishing the last of his drink and
setting the empty glass down.
I opened the taps and started to wash my face. A moment later
I felt his hand smoothing up and down my back. It was comforting and felt
natural and I wondered again how I had denied this for so long.
I turned off the faucet and was reaching for a hand towel
when I felt him pull at the waistband of my underwear, snapping it against my
I narrowed my eyes as I looked at him in the mirror. “Easy
now,” I said.
“Mhhmm?” he murmured innocently. He bit his lower lip and
gave the elastic another playful snap.
“Somebody’s going to get a spanking,” I warned, my voice low.
“Don’t threaten me with a good time,” he retorted as he
pulled the band back again. We stared each other down, eyes riveted to one
another in the mirror. He let the elastic go with a crack and jumped back when
I spun around. He thrust out the hand he’d been hiding behind his back. He was
holding a long, thin rectangular box, wrapped in metallic red paper with a
bright green and gold bow.
I eyed it suspiciously. “What’s this?”
“What does it look like?” he asked, looking at me with his
mouth agape. “It’s a Christmas present. Go ahead and open it.”
I eased the ribbon and bow off the box and tore the paper
open. I slid the top off to reveal two silk scarves and an ostrich feather.
I leaned against the vanity and lifted out the familiar
objects, appraising them with an arched brow. “Kinky.”
“Mmmm… but they’re not for me,” he said coyly, looking up at
me with wide eyes.
My jaw dropped and my mind flashed back to earlier this year
when Adrien had ‘Scarf & Feathered’ me. It was my birthday and he’d
surprised me with a weekend trip to Pine Shadow Ranch, which had been spruced
up and was being used as a vacation rental. After a home-cooked dinner and some
eighteen-year old Laphroaig (probably a little more than I should’ve had), he
convinced me to do something I’d never done before.
He was tentative at first, but with some encouragement on my
part and an assist from the Laphroaig, his devious side came out, and after a
long and at times intense session of teasing, edging, and denial, I’d ended up
begging – for the second time in my life.
He took me to places I’ve never been and exposed me to
sensations I’ve never experienced. And then, when he finally filled me and
began to move inside me… well … it was one of the most amazing things I’ve ever
“Oh baby,” I rumbled. The thought of a repeat performance
made me tingle with anticipation and I charged him, dipping down and scooping
him up over my shoulder in a fireman’s carry.
“Jake!” he gasped as I gave his backside a firm smack with my
open palm, grabbed the scarves and feather, and marched into the bedroom.
I flopped him gently down onto the bed and straddled him. His
hand worked furiously at my belt and then fumbled with the button and zipper on
my pants.
“Down boy,” I chuckled at his frantic efforts to get my pants
down with me still atop him. “How about letting me get my shoes off first?” I
moved off him to the edge of the mattress and bent down to untie my shoes.
I was pulling my socks off when I felt him grabbing the
waistband of my briefs again. This time, though, he gave the elastic a tug
upwards. The hell?!
I jumped to my feet. “Did you just try to give me a wedgie?!”
He feigned innocence which turned into righteous indignation
as I continued to glare, and then he burst into a fit of giggles. I couldn’t
help laughing as I pounced on him.
“Oh, you’re in for it now,” I growled, pinning both his hands
over his head as I ravished his mouth with kisses. Once he was distracted, I
secured his right wrist to the bedpost with one of the scarves.
“What are you--” He broke off in a gasp as my hand slid down
the front of his pants and into his underwear. “Jake!”
“What do we have here?” I asked as I delved deeper, my hand
clasping hot, firm flesh.
“I… I have a permit for that, Detective,” he purred as he
began to thrust slowly into my hand.
“Oh, I bet you do, Mr. English.”
I squeezed a little harder and then stopped. I pulled my hand
back and sat up.
“Don’t quit now,” he panted, arching his back.
I swallowed hard and opened my mouth to say something but
nothing came out.
Adrien looked up at me. “Jake?”
I worked my jaw and he reached to untie his wrist. He scooted
out from under me and got to his knees. “What’s wrong?”
I blinked and then looked him directly in the eyes and shook
my head. “Nothing,” I said, my voice gentle. “Nothing’s wrong. But I don’t
think I want tonight to be about kink, Adrien.”
“Okay,” he nodded. “Sure.”
I put my hand to his face and stroked his cheek softly. I
swallowed again and continued. “I’ve been thinking a lot lately, and these…
these past couple of years with you have been the best of my life. I never
dreamed I could be this happy.”

He didn’t say anything. He reached out and wrapped his arms
around me, pulling me close. I let myself be drawn in. His warm breath on my
neck felt like home.
“I feel the same way,” he whispered, kissing my shoulder and
stroking my back.
I held him tight, my eyes squeezed shut. There was a prickle
behind them and I felt the wetness on my lashes. “I love you, Adrien.”
“I love--” My phone, which I’d tossed onto the bed earlier,
started to ring. We reached for it at the same time and I froze when I saw the
number flashing on the screen. Adrien handed it to me.
“I’ll give you some privacy,” he said, moving to disentangle
“No.” I pulled him back to me and hastily wiped my eyes. I
slid my thumb across the screen to accept the call. “You’re right where I want
He settled in next to me and gave me a gentle kiss on my bare
chest as I answered the phone.
“Hi Dad. Yeah… Merry Christmas to you, too.”
I like to see our favourite guys in a good place. Thank you, Steve!
ReplyDeleteI'm glad you enjoyed it!
DeleteOh, wow Steve! Very interesting to see these characters from another perspective. Thank you, for the feeling of Christmas you gave me with the story.
ReplyDeleteGreat fun seeing life through Jake's eyes. So glad they guys are happy, and very thankful Jake's dad called. Pretty much a perfect Christmas, silk scarves and feather included! Thanks, Steve. :)
ReplyDeleteThat was so awesome, Steve. You did a great job! I am glad you were able to get the "uh huh" and
ReplyDeleteOh, baby" in the story. You also brought tears to my eyes. Thank you.
That was amazing. Thanks
ReplyDeleteI thought this was really wonderful. And it's kind of funny how much in here turns up in the AE Xmas story. Which I guess means that I'm on the right track. :-D :-D :-D
ReplyDeleteOh, I'm so happy you liked it. Thank you for this opportunity. I can't wait for 'So This Is Christmas' to come out.
DeleteThis is wonderful Steve! You touched on so many of the nuances that have made these two unforgettable. So sentimental and warm too. Nice getting inside Jake's head and knowing that he is in such a good place now. Thank you :-)
ReplyDeleteThanks, Dianne. I always wondered how he was doing, and I'm so glad Josh is writing this new novella.
DeleteLOL! I'm still laughing at the Von Trap reference... That was an incredible surprise, I love to see Adrien and Jake so good together. Thank you, Steve!
ReplyDeleteWhat a lovely Christmas story, Steve! I loved to hear from Jake and Adrien, and I'm so happy for Jake. Thank you for a wonderful story, Steve!
ReplyDeleteI'm speechless. It was so lovely and so them. Thank you, Steve!!
ReplyDeleteSpeechless? "Dear Diary .... " LOL
Delete*mic drop
Sweeeeeet! What a wonderful surprise, Steve! Thank you so much for sharing this, dear!
ReplyDeleteI especially appreciate those silk scarfs and the peacock feather reappearing... :-D
Scarves and feathers, oh my! I'm glad you liked it!
DeleteAh Steve, this was wonderful. I love how you know the characters so well and it comes through in your story. So many lovely nuanced references to the books.
ReplyDeleteThank you, Carli. Have amazing characters made it a joy.
DeleteThat was lovely.
ReplyDeleteI really enjoy anything from Jakes point of view.
Thanks, Kim. As somebody who didn't come out until later in life, I can relate to and empathize with Jake.
DeletePurrs and kitty rubs and an extra dose of catnip!
ReplyDeleteThat was lovely Steve!
Thank you!
Thank you very meowch!
DeleteThis is wonderful!
ReplyDeleteSteve, my friend, that was an amazing surprise. You are awesome!
ReplyDeleteThank you!
Aw, thanks Sweetie!
DeleteThank you for this AE Christmas moment, Steve. A lovely coda from Jake's POV—and let's face it, there cannot be too many of those.
ReplyDeleteNope! I agree ... we need more of these.
DeleteIt was nice seeing things from Jake's perspective. Love the interaction between Jake and Emma. So cute. :) The feathers and scarves were nice to see again. ;)
ReplyDeleteIt's so nice seeing Jake and Adrien enjoying some happiness. Thanks for this lovely story, Steve.
Thank you! I really enjoy the Codas and the little glimpses we get into these characters we've all come to love. I've often wondered how Jake and Adrien were doing post-The Dark Tide, and I'm so glad Josh allowed us this opportunity.
DeleteWow. Just wow.
DeleteThat was great, Steve. Very touching.
ReplyDeleteThank you! That means a lot coming from you.
DeleteOh, Steve, I loved it! I knew you would throw an "Uh huh" in there too. Thanks for sharing. Merry Christmas!
ReplyDeleteOMG - Chris Patton's 'uh huh' is a thing of wonder. LOVE his Jake Riordan.
DeleteGetting to see a softer side of Jake, thanks Steve!
ReplyDeleteEnjoyed it a lot
A wonderful imaginative response to so many of our questions — Angus, Pine Shadow Ranch, Jake's family's response, Emma as an adolescent, kink or no kink, and more. Thanks, Steve!
ReplyDeleteI wanted to have Al January as a party guest, and Sergeant Frame, too! I'm glad you enjoyed it. Kudo to Josh for letting us do this. So much fun.
DeleteGreat coda, Steve! :)
ReplyDeleteOh, thank you so much!
DeleteWonderful Steve. Loved it!
ReplyDeleteThanks, Jacquie!
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteThank you so, so much! Lovely!!
ReplyDeleteI'm so glad you enjoyed it, Paige. Cheers!
DeleteThank you so, so much! Lovely!!
ReplyDeleteI'm keeping this one as a treat for after the treat of the upcoming Adrien English book :-) And then i look forward to immersing myself into Jake's point of view, and perhaps some closure. Thank you, Steve!
ReplyDeleteWow, Steve, just excellent! I love things written from Jake's point of view. You've done an amazing job. Thank you.
ReplyDeleteI am still having trouble navigating the site, but I finally found what I'm looking for. Yay!!!! I love these two.
Deletethat was amazing! loved it :)
ReplyDeleteThis wonderful story made me almost cry. Finally their story became a true happily ever after. Thank you so much! Merry Christmas to everyone.
ReplyDeleteSteve, why have you been hiding this talent from us, I'm so impressed. This was such a pleasure to read, I loved it, and I love reading more about Jake, thank you.
ReplyDeleteHow did I miss this last year? Thanks, Steve, I really enjoyed it!