Friday, February 24, 2023

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Just a quick update!

I'm currently back to working on Lament at Loon Landing. I'm not exactly sure what the hold-up has been, because as I'm working on it, it's pretty much like every other book in the series: cute, charming, fun. Your basic cozy mystery. I guess part of the problem is with all the delays (and all the bitching about the delays) it has turned the book into A Thing in my mind, which inevitably slows everything down even further. Coz that's how that works.

But we're closing in on finishing up. I'm not going to guestimate the actual release because the book is clearly cursed and if I dare to name the release date, doom and disaster will follow. So we'll leave it at that. It's coming. 

As soon as Lament at Loon Landing is safely launched, I'll fully dive into Corpse at Captain's Seat, which I anticipate going as quickly as Death at the Deep Dive did. I love, love, love country house murder mysteries and that's kind of what we have going on with that one: snow, secret passages, sinister strangers. The usual stuff that happens while staying with friends.

THEN I'll start work on the final Holmes & Moriarity. 

And THEN I'm taking a break from writing. Maybe for just a month. Maybe two. Maybe I'll see you when I see you. But I need a chunk of time to focus on some translation stuff, some audio projects, some other things I'm toying with, as well as long term strategizing. Basically, the business side of things. Which inevitably get shoved to the back of the line, even though it's kind of crucial to know where the ship is ultimately headed. 

In the meantime, on Monday I'm headed off on vacation with my sisters for the first time in three years. Yikes! THREE YEARS. In fact, it's been a year and a half since I went away on vacay with anyone at all. 


I'll try to post photos, but I'm guessing they won't actually appear until after I return on the 7th. 

I hope you all have a wonderful week. We're supposed to have major winter storms this weekend, but they keep being pushed back a day, which hopefully doesn't mean I end up stranded in a ferry terminal for my vacation. ;-D  


  1. Never worry and take care of you. It will be that much more fun when your next book comes out.

  2. I'm not going to tell you to hurry up with 'Lament at Loon Landing,' but HURRY UP WITH 'LAMENT AT LOON LANDING'!!! I can't bring myself to read (or listen to) 'Death at the Deep Dive' until Loon lands! I've got SERIOUS Jack Carson withdrawal!

    But meanwhile, have fun on vacation but be careful, it's crazy up here in the LA area!!

    1. The good news is you're going to have three adventures with Jack and Ellery in fairly short order! :-D

    2. I'm not looking forward to that drive to the ferry! I'm praying the storm has cleared, so we're not left waiting for the boat all day. :-/

    3. I'm looking out at the choppy white caps of Rancho Palos Verdes as I write this!


  3. Staying with friends is always dangerous! :D I hope you have a delightful time with your sisters. I'm having a sisters' day with mine on March 10. We have so much fun together.

    1. LOL. It's a risk worth taking! But yeah, nothing is better than sister time (at least, once you're past the trying to strangle each other stage.) :-D

  4. I'm seeing my sister for a w/e next week. It's mum's 80th so sis and I are taking both families, and her and my step dad away to make some memories whilst she still can. :)
    Come back refreshed, have fun. <3
