Friday, December 4, 2020

Advent Calendar - Day 4

 Every year I try to hunt down a couple of vintage Christmas cartoons on YouTube for your viewing pleasure. The thing about Christmas cartoons--especially the really old ones--is that they seem to work like a reset button for the holidays. Suddenly you remember how you used to feel about all the magic and mystery of this time of year. A time of year when anything seems possible. And if there was ever a year we might want to forget current circumstances and harken back to simpler, safer days, this is it.

Anyway, consider it a form of meditation. Pour yourself a cup of cocoa or coffee and just spend the next thirty minutes doing nothing more than watching this little adaptation of Raymond Brigg's Father Christmas.  It's not one of the golden oldies, but it's charming and wistful and wise. 


  1. Thank you! I've saved it for later on the day, when I'll be able to sit and enjoy it. And maybe delve a bit on my childhood memories (with a margarita in hand, because if I have to be an adult, I'll take ALL the perks, thank you very much!)

  2. How wonderfully sweet and wry. Thanks for sharing these old-time Xmas shorts - one of my favorite parts of your Advent Calendar!

    1. Thanks so much! I think there's something very centering to take the time to just watch a little holiday cartoon. It's like a holiday pep talk. ;-D

  3. I had never seen this. It's adorable!

  4. I have been doing grown up hot chocolate the last few weeks: 4 to five ounces bittersweet chocolate melted in just enough whole milk to fill my Big mug. Once mostly melted, I whisk it up with a teaspoon of sugar. So yum.
