Tuesday, March 26, 2013


They said it couldn't happen. They said we were toast. Ham and cheese on rye, I believe. But YOU showed them how wrong they were. How a side of nuts and a handful of chips could make all the difference to lunchtime. And the war against tyranny.

I don't know. Something like that.

Anyway, Round THREE of the Dabwaha and we're still here. This time we're up against the Red Queen herself, Abi Roux, who sums it up thusly.

All we can do is...our damnedest. The voting begins Midnight on Thursday (which some of you may think of as still Wednesday) and runs till Thursday noon. You vote here and you vote often. With as many IP addresses as you have time and energy and arcane computer skilz.

And to encourage the madness, here's the coat of arms devised by those shrewd and canny elves at Blind Eye Books. If that doesn't inspire you, well, I can't imagine what would.


  1. Her argument is good, her writing is enjoyable...
    but I love yours a touch more.

    Driving around to find open wireless points to increase votes... I hadn't thought of that... it's doable.

    Maybe she should have kept that to herself.

  2. I wonder if our odds are better or worse given that it's taking place on a Thursday?

    I guess we'll soon find out!

  3. I'm THERE!! Probably not at midnight though. But come 7am, I'm your girl! *salutes*

  4. More re the Red Queen from Abi Roux's Tumblr page, Josh. (I hope the link I posted below works.) The gauntlet (or at least the White Knight's head ) has been thrown. Fanyons, unite! :-) To paraphrase:

    "for, as long as but a hundred of us remain alive, never will we on any conditions be brought under [Abi's] rule. It is in truth not for glory, nor riches, nor honours that we are fighting, but for freedom – for that alone, which no honest man gives up but with life itself."


    Too much? *grin*

    1. I need you guys to start writing my speeches! :-D

    2. I must credit the Scots who authored The Declaration of Arbroath in 1320. It's one of my favorite passages, however. :-)

    3. Well, and really same exact situation here! ;-P

  5. I start voting after midnight tomorrow. There are some perks to being a night owl.

    Don't forget your local libraries, folks. Each terminal has a different IP address.

    Haven't read Abi yet, but she has a couple of books on our library download site (Ebook & Audio).

    1. Sorry, didn't finish.

      I plan to read Abi, but I'm certain I'll like Josh much, much better.

    2. Aw. Thanks, Penelope. Abi has a series similar to the Dangerous Ground series. I like it -- and I like Abi.

      But I still feel duty bound to crush her if at all possible. :-D

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Household has been notified that tomorrow bright and early i commence the voting extravaganza and i am only to be encouraged at it ;) I'm worried and curious about the night voting... since i will be joining the battle in the morning (my pony is not a night owl..., alas)

    1. Yeah. It's crucial not to fall too far behind during the night lest valiant IP seekers figure there's no use bothering and retire from the fray.

      As our last glorious victory should prove, never say die.

    2. Fine, i won't sleep then ;-) could the pony vote by itself, i wonder... I guess i'm gonna find out just how magical it is...

    3. I'll sub for you at night KC. I think I start at 1 a.m. my time (EDT). Will sneak in as many as possible. I fear I must leave my mountain aerie in the morning, so while I'm out, I will swing by the library and hit as many public computers as possible. There should be some perks for retired librarians, right? Then, there's the smart aleck phone and any wifi I can hitch to.

    4. I'm throwing all my home votes in tonight and tomorrow I take my dog and pony show on the road. :-)

  8. Sorry I missed the 1st go-round, but I'll be ready for the upcoming voting, I read Abi's post...and them there is fighting words!...doesn't she realize how jazzed up she is getting the Fanyons????? :)


    1. I think she likes a good fight -- and I like that about her. But I believe she underestimates our resolve. ;-)

    2. Yeah, we're practically vibrating :-)

    3. That's all the caffeine we've had.

  9. Josh, what are the fans of the other three authors doing? Are they as jazzed as the Fanyons?

    1. I think we have a lot of crossover fans, so...it's probably not REALLY four times the readers. More like four times the devotion from the same readers. :-)

    2. I think we have a lot of crossover fans, so...it's probably not REALLY four times the readers. More like four times the devotion from the same readers. :-)

  10. Oh boy... running out of electronics devices to vote on!!! For you! For you!

  11. Damn!

    Gave it my best shot and I know all you Fanyons did as well.

    Gird your loins for next year!

    1. You guys were FANTASTIC. That was an incredible battle.

    2. Went by my local branch library and voted on several terminals there. THEN, I sweet talked a couple of the librarians into voting. Chad said, "Who am I voting for? What does he write." "That info is on a need to know basis, just vote." He did. Though we live in third world S.C. and we are accustomed to GOTP "voting irregularities" here, we did explain after he voted, 'cause he and I often share info about fave mysteries.)

      The other friend already knew because she put in an Consumer Recommendation on your name several weeks ago. She happily signed on as well.

      It was a good run. And fun. Just wish the time slot had been better.

  12. Thank you! It was fun! I really enjoyed the thread on goodreads, all the strategic talks, preparations, pep talks, gear! I've never been so prepared for anything! ;-) i hope it will make more people try m/m and lgbt reads.
